
19 June 2014

The Classified FBI Manual for Deciphering Twitter Slang

June 17, 2014 

WASHINGTON, June 17 (UPI) —The FBI has released a comprehensive 83-page manual for deciphering social media slang and acronyms. 

The manual was published on, who acquired the guide through a Freedom of Information Act request. 

"With the advent of Twitter and other social media venues, the use of shorthand and acronyms has exploded. The DI’s [Directorate of Intelligence’s] Intelligence Research Support Unit (IRSU) has put together an extensive — but far from exhaustive — list of shorthand and acronyms used on Twitter and other social media venues such as instant messages, Facebook, and MySpace," begins the manual. 

It includes common shorthand like SRSLY, OMG and LMAO as well as more obscure terms like SOIDH (screenshot or it didn’t happen). 

They defined the word troll as “a deliberately provocative message board user.” 

The full list is available here

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