
28 November 2017

The Israeli Secret Commando Operation That Discovered ISIS Could Turn Laptops Into Bombs; Leading To Temporarily Banning These Devices From U.S. Airlines

Charlie Moore posted an online article, November 23, 2017 on the website of the, revealing details of a “classified Israeli intelligence/commando operation, that led to the banning of carry-on laptops on U.S. commercial airlines.” He adds, “the dangerous operation by Israeli special forces in Syria, found that ISIS terrorists were working on transforming laptops into bombs.”

“Two Israeli Intelligence sources told Vanity Fair, how the information [intelligence] was obtained in a highly dangerous, night-time operation by crack [elite] Israeli troops [commandos],” Mr. Moore writes. In the winter of 2016, “two helicopters took a team of Sayeret Matkal commandos, Israel’s elite counterterrorism force — described as ‘a shadow unit of ghosts,’ deep into hostile Syria, flying low to avoid radar detection. They [the team] landed a few miles from an ISIS base, where terrorists were developing a laptop bomb.”

Israeli intelligence “was told about the [terrorist] base by an inside man — either an Israeli undercover Israeli who managed to infiltrate the group, or an ISIS traitor who was passing the information,” for a price of course. The elite troops then boarded two jeeps, cleverly disguised as [local] patrol vehicles, with Syrian Army markings, and then headed for the base [safe-house]. The details then become hazy,” Mr. Moore writes, “as one source claims the troops [commandos] spiked an ISIS meeting room with a tiny microphone; while another, says they [the commandos] manipulated a nearby phone line so it could ingeniously overhear the terrorists’ conversations.” Once the listening device/tap was in place, “the commandos got back to their choppers,” and headed back home and out of harms way.

“Listeners from [Israeli Intelligence’s] Unit 8200 — Israel’s spy team — then had to wait weeks to gather any [actionable] intelligence, as they listened at a base in the Golan Heights on the Syria/Israel border, not knowing if their inside man [source] was right [truthful], or not,” Mr. Moore wrote. “But eventually, they [Israeli intelligence] heard an ISIS soldier [terrorist], explain how to make a laptop into a bomb that could pass though airport security,” undetected.

Mr. Moore writes that “Israeli intelligence then shared this new ISIS threat information with U.S. officials, which subsequently led to U.S. and British authorities announcing restrictions [security measures] on large electronics in carry-on baggage for direct flights from certain Middle Eastern and North African nations in March,” of this year. Two months later in May, POTUS Trump, in a secret meeting with Russian officials, told Moscow about the newly discovered threat. As Mr. Moore notes, the only media allowed to attend the discussion was a Russian state photographer. Somehow, the intelligence and POTUS Trumps warning to the Russians leaked; greatly alarming Israeli intelligence — naturally fearing for their well-placed source’s life. What ultimately happened to the source was apparently not disclosed to Vanity Fair, or is unknown.

The DailtyMail goes on to describe in unflattering terms, of POTUS Trump’s “bragging” to the Russians about how exquisite and elegant his intelligence operatives were, when discussing this threat; but, some of that kind of boastfulness is likely deliberate and may actually be useful when dealing with Putin’s henchmen. Who actually leaked this very sensitive and perishable information is unknown.

As Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “one well-placed spy is worth two battalions.” Now, one well-placed spy/device, may be worth an entire city, or a commercial airliner packed with hundreds of passengers. Thank God we have patriots willing to risk their lives to get this kind of information; and, thank Israel for sharing it.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the end of the story. These darker angles of our nature are no doubt still pursuing new techniques and technology designed to evade our security measures and take-down a commercial airliner. We have to remain ever vigilant; and of course, continue to target and kill every single member of ISIS. RCP, fortunascorner.

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