
10 April 2018

Civilizations: Past, Present, and Future

by Frank Li

As a species, we must compete for survival. We compete against not only nature, but also other species. Additionally, we also compete among ourselves. At the center of this competition is the notion of a nation-state (e.g. Make America Great Again or Make China Great Again), or more broadly, "civilization" (The Clash of Civilizations).

1. What is a civilization?

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia - Civilization:
A civilization is any complex society characterized by urban development, social stratification imposed by a cultural elite, symbolic systems of communication (for example, writing systems), and a perceived separation from and domination over the natural environment.

2. Civilizations yesterday

It is a commonly accepted theory that we human species started in Africa millions of years ago, and then spread all over the world.

It is also a commonly accepted theory that six major ancient civilizations, as shown below (The Rise and Fall of the Mighty: Six Ancient Civilizationsm), developed mostly independently more than 5,000 years ago.

3. Civilizations today

The image below highlights today's civilizations. For more about this image, read:

4. Civilizations: from yesterday to today

Here is what happened to the six major ancient civilizations:
Two (i.e. Aztec and Moche) are gone, thanks to the Europeanization of the Americas.
Three have survived: Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Indus Valley.
One (i.e. China) has sustained - come, almost gone, and come again!

What was the reason behind this huge change?

Evolution, natural as well as artificial!

Let's look at the issue from two perspectives: how to thrive and how to survive, respectively.

4.1 Civilization: how to thrive?

Be strong, both economically and militarily!

To be strong and to remain strong, the ability to adapt is obviously the most important. Very notably, civilization and empire building seem to have gone hand in hand. In other words, a more advanced civilization enables more empire building, which further advances and spreads that civilization. More on this later.

4.2 Civilization: how to survive?

To me, there are three keys:
Having a home country.
Having a written language.
Having a substantial population.

Let me elaborate on each ...

4.2.1 Having a home country

The most obvious example is perhaps the Jews. As a people, the Jews are creative and successful. But they were homeless for more than 2,000 years, during which they suffered hugely, with the latest and the worst example being the Holocaust. I wish the Jews well, especially with the creation of their own home country in Israel. Here is a cautious note though: a two-state solution is a must, or Israel will lose to its neighbors, by attrition!

4.2.2 Having a written language

It ensures massive knowledge accumulation over time, which can be passed along from generation to generation. For example, the Chinese developed their own written language early and well. Because of that, China has a very well documented history of the past 2,000 years, at least. For more, read: Civilizations: It's the Written Languages, Stupid!

In contrast, some African countries did not adequately develop their own written languages, nor did Aztec and Moche. As a result, both Africa and the Americas fell behind in evolution. For example, slave trading went on in Africa as late as the early 1900s, while China officially banned it more than 2,000 years ago.

Worse yet, falling behind meant becoming victims to the Europeans. The image below shows one example. For more, read Sections 5 and 6.

4.2.3 Having a substantial population

Instead of being merely colonized, like most African and Asian countries, all indigenous civilizations in the Americas (e.g. Aztec and Moche) were wiped out by the Europeans (e.g. Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire). How was that possible? A key reason was that a substantial population had already been developed in both Africa and Asia, but not in the Americas!

Is this right? Yes, of course, especially in the sense of ultimate justice!

Here is my view: It is a natural development in humanity or real civilization - to right the wrongs of the past! Unfortunately for American-Indians, they will never receive the same justice as the folks in South Africa, because there are simply not enough of them left on earth!

5. What is Western civilization?

Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia - Western civilization.
Western civilization traces its roots back to Western Europe and the Western Mediterranean. It is linked to the Roman Empire and with Medieval Western Christendom which emerged from the Middle Ages to experience such transformative episodes as the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, scientific revolution, and the development of liberal democracy. The civilizations of Classical Greece and Ancient Rome are considered seminal periods in Western history; a few cultural contributions also emerged from the pagan peoples of pre-Christian Europe, such as the Celts and Germans, as well as some significant religious contributions derived from Judaism and Hellenistic Judaism stemming back to Second Temple Judea, Galilee, and the early Jewish diaspora;[1][2][3] and some other Middle Eastern influences.[4] Christianity and Roman Catholicismhas played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization, which throughout most of its history, has been nearly equivalent to Christian culture. (There were Christians outside of the West, such as China, India, Russia, Byzantium and the Middle East).[5][6][7][8][9] Western civilization has spread to produce the dominant cultures of modern Americas and Oceania, and has had immense global influence in recent centuries in many ways.

In my opinion, Western civilization was largely shaped by the Romans, on top of ancient Greece. It was hugely enhanced after 1492, when Christopher Columbusdiscovered the "new" world - With guns in one hand and the Bible in the other, the West not only conquered the "new" world, but also colonized the "uncivilized", or "under-civilized”, part of the old world (e.g. Egypt and India), often under the ruse of spreading Christian civilization.

It is arguable whether Europeanization of the world was a true form of civilization (vs. barbarianism including slavery). But let's settle it as the most extreme form of civilization, against a more natural form of civilization: Chinese civilization.

6. What is Chinese civilization?

China is arguably the greatest country in human history. Two main reasons:
China has the longest continuous civilization in human history.
Throughout human history, great civilizations have come and gone, with one major exception: China - come, almost gone, and come again!

Note: China is not only a country and an empire, but also a civilization on its own.

Like all the other empires, the Chinese Empire has seen its map expanded and shrunk over time, as shown below.

Unlike the western empires (e.g. Spanish and British), which plundered overseas over the past few hundred years, the Chinese Empire has always been one piece in land, having "organically" grown (and shrunk) over a long period of time (i.e. 2,000 years, at least),

The image below highlights the key difference between the Roman Empire and the Chinese Empire, which is the key reason why Rome was long gone while China has long endured. For more, keep reading.

7. Western civilization vs. Chinese civilization

I have already published extensively on this subject. Five informative readings:

Here is a summary: China led the world mostly for the first 1,800 years of our two-millennium-old calendar. The rise of the West, especially when compared with China, came mostly after 1492, when Christopher Columbus discovered the "new" world.

Why did not the Chinese conquer the world like the Europeans did, given the fact that China was ahead of the West in almost everything before 1492?

The Chinese were so proud of their own civilization that they regarded the "new" world they discovered in the 1400s as barbarians. In contrast, the Europeans, especially the Spanish, Portuguese, and English, were passionate about plundering overseas, in a totally uncivilized manner! The image highlights one example.

The West also invaded China in the 1800s, nearly destroying the longest continuous civilization in human history!

Now, China is back, having found its own path to success, while the West is paying back its past dues, from race to religion. For more, read: China vs. America: Uniformity vs. Diversity.

With no more new land to be discovered and no more new people to be subjugated, the West must now compete with China on more equal footings. Who will have a better future?

8. Civilizations tomorrow

The 20th century was undoubtedly America's. The 21st century will most likely belong to either China or America. But who will deserve it and who will ultimately claim it?

It depends on who can adapt the best!

Like before, adaptation will not always be peaceful.

Unlike before, in today's world, with enough nuclear arms to blow up the earth several times over, some NABCs (Nuclear-Armed Big Countries) can destroy not only each other, but also the world. So, everything must be done to prevent that from happening.

Specifically, these three NABCs must be most responsible: China, Russia, and America. Let's briefly examine each ...

8.1 China

China is back!

Over the past two decades, at least, China has been working hard to expand its influence all over the world. But it has been via peaceful means only, such as trade.

Very importantly, as a victim of semi-colonization for most of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, China knows the importance of self-determination and non-interventionism in international affairs: ideology notwithstanding, just trade!

Most importantly, China has a huge incentive for world peace, because it means more trade and more prosperity for China!

8.2 Russia

Russia, together with America, saved the western world in World War II. Without Russia, the Polish and the French would likely be speaking German today. For more, read: Who Actually Decisively Defeated Nazi Germany?

Unfortunately, Russia has suffered two major blows recently: communism and democracy, resulting in a bad economy. It will take Russia decades to get its own house in order before it can become a major influencer in the world again, especially in competition with America and China.

Russia must never be underestimated. Two informative readings:

8.3 America

America, together with Russia, saved the eastern world in World War II. Without America, the Chinese would likely be speaking Japanese today. For more, read: Who Actually Decisively Defeated Imperial Japan?

Unfortunately, America has been in a steep decline over the past few decades, facing four major problems:
Democratic Imperialism: War is perpetual, with the worst example being the Iraq War.
Democratic Socialism: Work is optional for many Americans, with the worst being public-sector unions.
National debt: It is more than $20 trillion, with no end in sight.
Gun violence: Our government has failed in its job #1: protecting the lives of its citizens. For more, read: America: Guns vs. Slavery.

While China will continue to advance economically and globally, thanks to the fall of communism and the rise of capitalism there, America will continue to falter, thanks to the fall of capitalism and the rise of socialism here. As a result, the war-mongering America will likely be looking for excuses to have war with China (The U.S. vs. China: A Trade War?).

Unfortunately for America, China is a NABC, which means there will be no winner if there is a real war between the two countries (Don't Mess with Nuclear-Armed China!)! Instead, the only certain outcome will be mutual destruction, leaving Russia as the only NABC left on earth!

The fact that Russia and China are closely allied now will make things even more challenging for America. For more, read: President Trump in the Real World of Three New Kingdoms.

In short, any war between any NABCs would mean World War III, which will most likely destroy the world!

9. Discussion

How can a WWII savior like America possibly become a WWIII villain? Something similar happened before. For example, Japan was on the allies' side during WWI, but became a villain in WWII!

Now, let me highlight Nazi Germany in three points:
Economy: It was hit hard by the hyperinflation in the 1920s, which made the depression of 1930 more punishing, even as it attempted to pay the huge mandated reparations for WWI.
Scapegoat: It blamed immigrants and minorities, especially the Jews, for the problems. Worse yet, Nazi Germany practiced extreme hatred against them.
A mad man at the top: Germany moved from democracy to dictatorship, with a mad man named Adolf Hitler in charge.

America is no Nazi Germany, yet! But here is an analogy:
Economy: Unless America reforms our political system as I have suggested, America's economy will continue to decline towards bankruptcy. Our national debt is already so enormous that a complete pay-off is beyond any possibility!
Scapegoat: Racial discrimination has always been a problem in the U.S., and it gets worse in tough times (e.g. Mexican Repatriation and Internment of Japanese Americans). In searching of scapegoats for our precipitous decline in economy, will American politicians blame China, as well as Chinese-Americans?
A mad man at the top: President Bush II was very close (e.g. in Iraq). President Obama turned out to be only slightly better (e.g. in Libya and Syria). What about President Trump? Let's wait and see ...

In summary, America is the only NABC that has both the capability and the incentive to initiate World War III! Three informative readings:

Unfortunately for America, if there is World War III, America will be destroyed for sure. The only two big questions are:
Which one of the other two NABCs (i.e. Russia or China) will be directly involved with America (and thus destroyed)?
Whether the last one will be left standing after the war? For more, read: Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Worse yet, most Americans are blithely unaware of it, or simply in denial!

Fortunately for America, I believe I have the most accurate diagnosis for America, as well as the best solution. Better yet, both have been well documented in my last book: American Democracy - Why is it failing & how to fix it? Please read and judge for yourself!

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