
13 April 2021

Documentary Of The Week: What Happens When China Becomes Number One?

by John Lounsbury

On 08 April 2015 Kishore Mahbubani, Dean and Professor in the Practice of Public Policy , Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore gave the 2015 Albert H. Gordon Lecture at the Kennedy Business School at Harvard University. His topic was the current and future relationships between the US and China.

In his 27-minute prepared presentation, Professor Mahbubani portrayed an essentially celebratory attitude about the very harmonious realtionship between the two countries. He was especially deferential to the role the US had played in helping China advance economically over the previous 15-20 years.

The remarks on this date, approximately 21 months before the inauguration of Donald Trump, stand in stark contrast to the changed US policy toward China just two years later. I could not keep from dwelling on this contrast as I listened to the lecture.

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