
22 July 2021

According to a senior British military official, the United Kingdom will launch covert missions of its special forces against Russia and China

Tony Joseph 

The change in focus of British Special Forces could mean that the corps trains the navies of countries near the South China Sea or establishes surveillance against military and intelligence units from Russia and China.

Britain’s special forces will focus on a new covert mission against China and Russia as part of their shift to counter “big state adversaries”. he pointed This Saturday in the newspaper The Times to the Brigadier General of the Royal Marines, Mark Totten.

The British Royal Marines would assume the roles traditionally reserved for the country’s special forces. Special Air Service (SAS) And this Special Boat Service (SBS)– so that these units have more time and assets to complete “high risk” actions against other states, according to Totten.

“What can we do? [las Fuerzas Especiales] focus on [las tareas] more difficult, more complicated, against Russia and against ChinaThe senior officer announced.

“It takes real specialized expertise, so we’ll give them more time and more staff to deal with [esas tareas], and we may carry out certain tasks, such as maritime counter-terrorism, for example, or joint operations, which are difficult, involving greater risk,” explained Totten, who is the “future command” of 4,000 Royal Marine soldiers. Force “. which will “share the burden” with the SAS and SBS.

Totten’s comments mark the first official recognition that London plans to deploy its special forces on covert missions specifically targeting Russia and China.

For their part, sources in the British Army told The Times that, within the framework of the change in approach, special forces could be assigned “politically treacherous” act, such as training the navies of countries near the South China Sea to better defend against Beijing’s perceived “hostility”.

The nature of a possible UK Special Forces operation against Russia is unclear. However, according to the newspaper, it is believed that there may have been highly covert operations. MI6. engage soldiers working with To increase surveillance against Russian and Chinese military and intelligence units.

In early June, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced that, although Moscow does not hide the power of its armed forces or its influence in the world, Russia is not interested in imposing its way of life on other countries and will end it. wants to do confrontation with the West.

“[Rusia] no superpower ambition No matter how much one tries to convince himself and others otherwise, ” insisted Lavrov.” Nor do we have the messianic fervor with which our Western comrades seek to expand their entire planet. democratic values ​​agenda. It has been clear to us for a long time that imposing a certain development model from the outside does not lead to anything good and examples of this are the Middle East, North Africa, Libya, Yemen and Afghanistan,” he said.

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