
27 September 2021

Evolving Cybersecurity Priorities in India

DSCI, in partnership with PWC has developed its latest report on ‘Evolving Cybersecurity Priorities’ to showcase the changing needs and demands of cybersecurity in India.

This report is developed in continuation to our report 'Cyber Security India Market' which was launched during AISS in December 2019, focusing on how the domestic demand for cybersecurity is growing in India. We are now endeavoring to gauge the new market sentiments around how cybersecurity priorities are evolving due to the pandemic.

Digitization has been on the board’s agenda, and implementation has been in progress over a few years. The onset of COVID-19 has fast-tracked the digitization agenda. This brings in a pressing need to address the new and existing risks of rapid digitization. In the past few months, business operations across India have faced massive disruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Businesses have had to redesign their operating models and re-prioritize their business and cybersecurity requirements.

The report highlights the key trends observed for the future of business, the shifting cybersecurity priorities, and the various ways of optimizing the cybersecurity function.

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