
4 May 2022

Rethinking Strategic Sovereignty

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the resulting shifts in Euro­pean security will permanently change the political narrative on European strategic sovereignty. Because of the direct military threat on its own borders, it is no longer primarily a matter of the EU gaining greater autonomy vis-à-vis the US. Rather, the Union must above all become more capable of acting to help protect its member states, its citizens, and assert European interests in a global politics environment characterised by great power rivalries.

In the aftermath of the Ukraine war, the core questions relating to strategic sover­eignty must therefore also be raised anew: How can this be secured militarily? How are thematic priorities shifting? What institu­tional reforms will create greater capacity to act? How should the EU adapt its enlarge­ment policy in the future? How will the EU’s relations with partners and third coun­tries change?

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