
26 February 2023

Improved cyber, info-warfare integration sought by Navy

DefenseScoop reports that the U.S. Navy has been working to integrate cybersecurity and other information warfare capabilities with its fleet non-kinetic effects teams at sea. 

"We are looking at investing in more capacity for [electronic warfare], for cyber, for [information operations], with an anticipation of some of the capabilities like directed energy that we talked about, and what we might also need to do not just on the net, but at the net and the unique access we bring from the maritime [domain]. I think we're progressing in that area. We've got a study ongoing this year looking at that capability and the integration," said Naval Information Forces Commander Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach. 

Authority limitations have hindered cybersecurity operations at the Navy but relaxing measures have since enabled the use of cyber-enabled radio-frequency operations, Aeschbach said. 

"I think thats maturing also in that environment, that opportunity is changing. Frankly, we deliver world-class, cyber-capable individuals and we are looking hard at how do we ensure we capture that both in our tactical units and at the operational level in our [maritime operations centers]," he added.

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