
13 June 2023

Five Security Challenges of Manipur and Way Ahead

Rajiv Kumar Srivastava – Defence Analyst

Bloated Narrators with Biased Narrative

The current imbroglio of Manipur which cost lives and huge loss of property may not be entirely triggered by two or three causes, be it high court directions on ST status, forest land surveyor or removal of a few religious encroachment. One thing that stands out that foundations of this hate filled macabre violence were laid months before by scripting ultra nationalist narrative and continuously feeding to target audience . Most of the talk show or articles can be broadly grouped in to two. One, dealing with past history, different land population density and the second group emphasising why power sharing between three ethnic groups are not feasible. Majority of them had a clear cut agenda, perhaps to protect and enhance their shares. All the narrators deliberated on negative aspect of extension of reservation will create catastrophe in the state and as if it’s benefits to Manipuri citizens are not applicable pan India. Few self styled ethnic group spokesperson also did not give impression of them individually gone through the sufferings or suffered violence at the street. Their postures in studio gave out their ease of life far from ground realities of hills or valleys of Manipur. At one glance one can say that most of state based narrators appeared to be rich probably due to their share from informal trade.

Unfolding and unabated mindless violence betrayed century old Vaishnav or Christian ethos of protecting infirm, when a group operating very close to a police station,dragged and burnt mother and an injured child moving in ambulance in Imphal city on Sunday night, 04 June 23 ,victims plea for mercy were not heeded. In Manipur, one took pride in giving respect to mothers and child by keeping them out of any violence in the past. Respect and honour accorded to Meera Paibi, the torch bearer mothers of Manipur is a shining example of this traditions. No one dares to defy mothers. Now, this attack on woman and her child will leave a scar, which will remain for many years and huge efforts needed by few statesmen, international sportspersons and Meera Paibi from the state to heal it. Having gone through sufferings of innocent , now is the time to spell out five security challenges and way ahead.

De-weaponies the Society

The Hindu on 05 June 23 in its report indicated that weapons held with police armouries and camps were looted in two phase. In the first phase, when violence erupted on 03 May, 1,600 service weapons were taken away. In the second phase, from 27 to 28 May, 2,557 weapons were taken away. Report further added that most weapons were looted in the valley. An unidentified official quoted by the reporter said that most weapons were given away to groups belonging to the same community as those deployed in the police camps. In some cases, the weapons were taken away after huge mobs surrounded police camps. After stern message of Manipur Government and an appeal by the Home Minister, out of these lost 4157 weapons, 789 arms were recovered. A drop box kept near BJP MLA house did attract more than 130 weapons return. This has been an innovative effort. In some media report ,it was mentioned that records of number of weapons and ammunition looted are not held due to destruction of records, which appears to be ambiguous. All state police has central ledger of weapons and ammunition. First and subsequent step is to seek accurate data on loss, inform all stakeholders and device a procedure for its recoveries after due legal scrutiny. For example, any receipt of new weapon or expenditure of ammunition mostly during training and also loss of weapons are duly supported with documents are written off and current arms state is updated. Hence, under the circumstances, first step is to digitise central weapon register held with DGP HQ and simultaneous seeking details from police establishment to tally and establish figures as existing on 03 May and afterwards. Deficiency to be verified on ground and declared as loss. For its recovery, a white paper giving out all relevant details be circulated among security agencies. Another state notification giving out cut off date for return of weapons be given otherwise stringent punishment to be promulgated after due legal scrutiny. It is assessed that most of the weapon has found its way to neighbouring state and Myanmar based terrorists group for a good price. Non service pattern weapons still held at various armouries should be withdrawn and deposited with Ordnance depot after due procedures. Aim should be to reduce quantum of firearms in the state. New weapon licences to be suspended and licensed weapons deposited with the police station will add on to enhanced de-weaponisation of the state.

Combat Degradation of Terrorists

Year 2010 of Manipur is considered as golden period of counter terrorists operations in Manipur. Series of successful operation and very strong coordination between army at Operational as well its Operation Directorate, Ministry of Home Affairs and External Intelligence agency, R&AW resulted in arrest of UNLF Chairman, Raj Kumar Meghan alias R K alias Sanyama from Motihari in Bihar on 30 November 2010. Although, Raj Kumar Meghan on his release from Guwahati Jail after nine years of sentence in 2019, maintained that he was arrested in Bangladesh two months back. Finance , Over ground Workers network, recruitment, training , status of morale of all the terrorists group operating from foreign soil were severely disturbed . Naga, Meitei or Kuki terrorists were not sure of their combat efficiency and had great suspicion on their ability to operate in the state with impunity. Extortion activities as well as poppy cultivation were reduced or poppy field were burnt down when they were ripe for harvesting by smugglers. Collusive security forces personal and politicians were under stress for fear of getting exposed. A near normalcy within the state prevailed. Fulcrum of violent activities shifted towards Indo- Myanmar border. This was possible because of experienced and visionary leadership provided by low profiled Corps Commander, aptly supported by team of Divisional Commander at Manipur. A Manipur cadre IAS officer on deputation with MHA broke all the protocols and a R&AW officer convinced its Delhi HQ on credibility of Military Intelligence network. A Colonel at Military Operations Directorate with his extraordinary leadership went out of his way to lend operational credibility. Team and expertise continue to exist today and it simply requires their rehabilitation at various echelons of system at appropriate level. Current efforts of security forces should continue to be focussed on combat degradation of terrorists , as few of them have sneaked in to the state and organising sniper attacks , which needed combat training .

Zero Informal Trade

Indo-Myanmar Treaty of Friendship exists since 1951 and thereafter a Border Trade Agreement was also signed in January 1994. These two treaties permitted people on both sides of International Border with free movement across border for trade if head load of goods on specific week days only. It implied that on designated market days citizens of both countries were free to move up to few kilometres of IB on either side to shop and return to their respective country the same day. It was aimed at benefitting tribal living on both sides of border. Unfortunately this system gave birth to smuggling activities in small quantities which has now risen to few hundred crores per month. Earlier subsidised rations like rice for Indian Citizens available at low cost were also smuggled to Myanmar along with various other food items. This practice is called Informal trade. Now, It benefit international narcotics mafia operating on both sides of border. While poppy is cultivated on both sides of border but its processing units are based in Myanmar. All the chemicals required to process raw opium into high grade narcotics are supplied through India as China and other East Asian countries have very harsh legal punishments. This multi billion drug cartels controlled by Myanmar Army devised and added new slogans for enhancement of bilateral trade between two countries and accessibility of land route to East Asia through Integrated Land Port at Moreh, Manipur. Pre COVID, trade data of 2019-20 shows 252 cargo movement trading worth 355.52 crores through this trade post. 16,354 passengers movement across this post were also mentioned. Government efforts to fence areas around this check post met with resistance. It is estimated that a huge volume of informal trade of banned articles and narcotics fetches few crores monthly profits along this route. Security Forces, agencies and all three ethnic terrorists group have their collection points along the route and are paid their dues. These check post cum collection points are not very elaborate but manned by few unarmed terrorists. They charge fixed price per truck, depending on type of valued articles being carried. Control of these collection points along the route in and out of Moreh is bone of contention between all three ethnic terrorists’ group and security agencies. Closure of this trade point till security situation improves is highly warranted. With regard to movement of passengers and trade other means of air as well as sea route are available which are now comparatively economical. Closure of Informal trade will severely hit narco -terrorism finances.

Ethnic Faultlines: Power Sharing

Narrative of ultra nationalism was built up on all three etnic groups for months. These narratives had one thing in common that each one of these particular ethnic group are fed with notions of being denied their basic previlages and told that most of their things, be it land or job or political space are being usurp by other two ethnic groups. This perceived suffering got actuated by addition of religious aspect to the political developments.

Post Independence, North East states like rest of the country, underwent redrawing of intra- state boundaries based on linguistic majorities and many other parameters. This could be best understood by Assam state which either gave up administrative control or underwent split to evolve all the seven states like Meghalaya, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland . Assam never opposed separation, rather helped in developing most of these states by sharing administrative skills and resources. In fact Assam capital which was at Shillong became capital of Meghalaya. People aspirations were honoured and contentious issues were resolved after negotiations. Notwithstanding these past constitutional developments on state reorganisation, few unscrupulous elements at the top echelon of society raise tribal specific issues to arouse sentiments and get personal benefits for themselves. Manipur is no exception. Each of the three ethnic groups has specific or group of terrorists touted as their saviour. But under the surface, all of them engaged in international narco trade. Apprehension pattern of most of the top terrorists leaders reveal that they have millions earned through narco trade or bogey of ultra nationalism invested in the state or abroad. They have nothing to do with mitigating day to day problems of common man. Their terrorist activities preclude investment and development of the region. Resultant poorer local condition, provide better reason for harvesting recruits for their nefarious trade and extortion.

In current violence, pattern confirm inter tribal group clashes. These ethnic clash will continue unless a comprehensive plan of power sharing is evolved earliest. In CBSE secondary social study book, concept of power sharing has been meticulously explained. The chapter speaks on devastating result in Srilanka whereas a great progress achieved in Brussels. Impact of inclusion or extension of ST status to a group of Manipuri population will be beneficial at national level . Albeit certain state specific provisions can be made to remove misgivings of two other groups. It will be a win win situation for all stakeholders for which a political will is must. State being used as ATM for political funding will be stopped forever.

Synergy of Security Forces with Administration

In the first week of May, to mitigate violence, the state was placed under unprecedented Article 355 and a Security Advisor was assigned, yet, from 03 May onwards,three important security forces related aspect emerged.

Use of sniper, a specialised weapon needed training, added to difficulties in free movement within the state. Highways were blocked for inward and outward movements. It was Naga people in the hills and Maietis in the plains who were looking for their perceived enemies. Few media report showing armed civilians in the crowd or villagers manning sand bag made temporary defences around habitat or telecasting live firing by unidentified groups on a village from hill top added to a notion of complete lack of law and order despite their overwhelming presence in three tiers, hills manned by Army and Assam Rifles, base by Central Armed Police Force and valleys by state police elements. While a journalist could get in to thick of firing but security elements absence eroded credibility. Army was using high grade aerial surveillance equipment for live monitoring, yet their services could not be requisitioned or integrated in these SOS. Apparently, command and control of Unified Command could not be effectively exercised probably due to lack of expertise to operate in such environment which is only available with dynamic army commanders.

Functioning of state police and its reserve armed constabulary raised many questions. Firstly, replacement of their DGP, P Doungel ,IPS who is due for retirement was replaced . The second most senior IPS officer in the state happened to be his younger brother. Both the brothers are from a highly respected Kuki family whose patriarch served as Minister of state as well. This practice of not placing faith on IPS officers of the state in itself reflect deep tribal malice percolated down the channel. Secondly, a video, which was later refuted, shows verbal spat between state police and security forces. This friction between police and security forces has been in existence and needed strong measures to iron out differences. Thirdly, looting of weapons from police armoury without resistance in itself gives out subversion among rank and file. Fourthly, burning of a mother and child in close proximity of police station raises serious question on dedication and their oath of allegiance towards constitution and first duty to protect citizens in danger. With passage of time, when actual extent of subversion will come out and many will hang their head in shame.

Social media platform were extensively used to sullen names of most patriotic organ of the country. It was blamed that a section of security forces are helping Kuki group who are under SoO and other group leaked out list of Manipuri warriors serving in security forces with their locations. Both these accusation were answered in a well measured rebuttals and assurances given of security forces commitment towards nation and protect its citizen with equal passion. Security Forces on its part are suffering from ambiguity of various peace process initiated by the central government with terrorists group in Nagaland as well as in Manipur. Any stern action initiated by security forces invokes chances of its breakdown. Therefore, there is a need to evolve a long time perspective for stoppage of extortion and narco trade by developing military intelligence based operations . If things are not being stopped at point of border, then it can be done in transit or final destination with coordination with MHA and other agencies. North East has been served exceptionally by General N K Singh, General DS Suhag, General DS Hooda, General Sarat Chand , General Abhay Krishna ,General ZU Shah, General P K Mallick and Brigadier Sujit Narain. Their contribution in ushering peace and stability in the region is worth recalling.

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