26 May 2024

A moment of silence for Israel’s demise? - comment


Grabbing a plate of humus at my favorite joint down the street from the office on Wednesday, I heard about life according to Menachem, a fellow diner across the aisle.

A gruff, middle-aged Jerusalemite and longtime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud supporter, he said enough is enough.

“Bibi has to go; his time is up,” he said, munching on a falafel ball. “He’ll never win another election. What has he done? Nothing. The big mistake on October 8 was not leveling Gaza – including the hostages, I’m sorry to say.

“There’s no way to live with these people [the Palestinians], and now, they’re going to get their own terror state,” he added, pointing to the TV screen on the wall as it broadcast the announcement that Norway, Ireland, and Spain would recognize a Palestinian state.

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